
Momi Lotta Original paintings and prints

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Welcome back to the third part of our series on painting dogs! In this post, we dive into the intricate world of painting animal fur, an essential aspect of capturing the lifelike essence of our furry companions on canvas. While this guide serves as a valuable resource on your artistic path, it’s important to note that it’s not intended to be the definitive handbook on painting dogs. Rather, it reflects my personal experiences and learnings gathered over the years. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey of exploring the techniques and nuances of painting fur!

Here Part 1 and Part 2

Setting the Stage - Preparing for Fur Painting

Antes de profundizar en el proceso paso a paso, sentemos las bases para una pintura de pieles exitosa. Elegir la paleta de colores correcta es crucial, ya que establece el tono para crear texturas realistas. Exploraremos la paleta que recomiendo y discutiremos la importancia de cada color para capturar la profundidad y la dimensión del pelaje.

You will need a dark shade(shadows), a medium shade (base color), and a light shade (highlights). In this tutorial, we will use these five colors to make a normal brown fur.

  • Burnt umber
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Burnt sienna
  • Yellow ochre
  • Titanium white
Essential tip! To capture the authentic texture of fur, I highly recommend using a well-worn, old paintbrush. The frayed bristles and softened edges of an aged brush create a natural and spontaneous effect when applying the paint. The bristles will allow for better control and the desired fur-like texture. So, before embarking on your fur painting adventure, grab that trusty, weathered brush from your collection and let it work its magic on the canvas!
Alternative tip! For achieving realistic fur textures, consider using a stippling brush or a fan brush (you can get them at art stores). These types of brushes allow you to create delicate strokes and subtle variations in texture, adding depth and dimension to your fur painting. Experiment with different brush types to find the one that best suits your style and desired effect.
How to paint dog paintbrush

Step-by-Step Fur Painting Techniques

Now, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and paint some fur! I’ll guide you through the process step by step, ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding of the techniques involved.

  • Building the Foundation – Dark Tones and Base Colors As with any painting, we start by establishing the dark tones and gradually work our way towards the lighter shades. Learn how to create a solid base using Burnt Umber and layer it with a mixture of Burnt Shadow and Ultramarine Blue to achieve the desired depth and richness.
How to paint dog step by step
  • Adding Depth and Texture – Layering and Brush Techniques Discover the secrets of adding lifelike texture to the fur. Using an old and worn brush, we’ll explore the art of creating realistic fur strokes, guiding you through the process of layering the different shades to achieve a three-dimensional effect.
How to paint dog step by step
  • Bringing Warmth and Highlights – Infusing Life into the Fur Now it’s time to infuse warmth and highlights into the fur, bringing it to life. We’ll explore the combination of Burnt Sienna and Yellow Ochre to add depth and vibrancy, and then introduce a touch of Titanium White to create stunning highlights that make the fur truly shine.
How to paint dog step by step
  • Attention to Detail – Individual Hairs and Finishing Touches No fur painting is complete without the meticulous attention to detail that individual hairs provide. Learn how to use a fine brush to carefully add those delicate hairs that capture the essence of realism, giving your artwork that final touch of authenticity.
How to paint dog step by step
  • Practice Makes Perfect – Embrace the Artistic Journey As with any skill, practice is key to mastering the art of painting fur. Dedicate time to honing your technique, experimenting with different strokes, and embracing the journey of continuous improvement. Remember, every stroke brings you closer to creating exceptional fur textures.


Congratulations on completing this immersive guide on painting animal fur! We’ve delved into the step-by-step process and valuable tips that will empower you to master the art of capturing realistic fur textures in your dog portraits. I hope this post has sparked your creativity and provided you with the tools to create stunning and lifelike artworks.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to experiment and continue honing your skills. If you have any questions or want to share your own fur painting experiences, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or reach out to me directly.

Keep pushing the boundaries of your artistic expression, and let your love for painting dogs and capturing their beautiful fur shine through in your creations. Until our next artistic adventure, happy painting!

I’m truly passionate about art, and it brings me immense joy to share my humble knowledge with all of you. If you find value in my content and would like to express your support, you’re welcome to leave a comment, share with your friends, or if you’re in a position to do so, consider treating me to a coffee. Your support is greatly appreciated!



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